Monday, July 5, 2010

Edisto Beach Vacation
Part 6

Camilla found a beautiful turtle shell in the inlet.
The odor was stinky...

Beautiful Mother Nature(Lightning)
at evening...
We had been around the quiet beach and swimming the
beach and inlet. Hunted the shells, biked along
the beach & around the EB neighbor, played Scrabble, watched
the movies, & the more. Camilla cooked Pork Loin, Broccoli
Casserole, Marinated Carrots, Beets Wednesday
and made Cherry Cream Cheese Cake Pie.
Amanda made delicious Hot Crab Dip and Blue Hawaii
Mixer for an appetizer. YUMMMMY! : )
Chris grilled Kabobs(chicken & shrimps). Had garden green
& fried rice Thursday. We all were full, but enjoyed
eating, eating, & eating...

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