Thursday, September 29, 2011

Prince Edward Island
(Last Part)

We visited Green Gables in Cavendish, one of
the most popular attractions in Prince Edward Island

Lucy Maud Montgomery, the Canadian author/novelist of
"Anne of Green Gables" was raised by her maternal
grandparents on a farm in Cavendish in most of her life since
her mother died of tuberculosis. She grew up with them in
a strict and unforgiving manner.  Of course, her childhood
was spent "alone".  She wrote more than 20 novels as well as
500 short stories and poems.

Living Room
Lucy's bedroom in the upstair

Camilla made a toss in the wishing well

In the background

Did Bill take a nap on the road when he drove?

Driving up to North Cape on the northwestern tip
of Prince Edward Island from Route 12.
Bill stands on the tip and looks at Huge Rock Reel
and Gulf of St. Lawrence

North Cape at the northwestern tip

North Cape Lighthouse on the northwestern tip of
Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island has different crops:turnips,
corns, potatoes, grains, and hay.  The picture of
turnips here is shown.

Route 142 toward west of Prince Edward Island.
Gulf of St. Lawrence is seen the farther.

West Point Beach on Cedar Dunes Provincial Park

Camilla at West Point Lighthouse on Cedar Dunes
Provincial Park

Camilla, showing red sandy stone cliff/sandy beach. 
In the north of Prince Edward Island, the beaches are white sandy
beach while the south beaches are red sandy beach.

We returned to Borden-Carlton, Gateway Village
where we came in for a first time one week ago.

Who is that?

Beautiful Confederation Bridge

You remember when we drove on the bridge to
Prince Edward Island in a foggy weather.
We could not see the water, Northumberland Strait at all 
3 days ago.   Now we can see all...


View Confederation Bridge and Northumberland Strait
from the Gateway harbor in the evening

Port Borden Range Rear Lighthouse &
Confederation Bridge

Driving toward Confederation Bridge &
New Brunswick

Beautiful Confederation Bridge &
Northumberland Strait in the evening

View Cape Jourimain Lighthouse on Cape Jourimain
Island from Confederation Bridge

View Cape Tormentine Outer Wharf Lighthouse at
Cape Tormentine(the farther left) & Cape Jourimain
Lighthouse on Cape Jourimain Island(the closet right)
from Cape Jourimain National Wildlife Area

View Confederation Bridge from Cape Jourimain
National Wildlife Area.  Prince Edward Island is
seen the farther.

Beautiful sunset over Cape Jourimain Wildlife Area

Also, we left Prince Edward Island, a small beautiful green
island with fond memories

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