Monday, December 27, 2010

8th Day of Castles along the Danube & Rhine

Houses with beautiful gardens along Main River, approaching Aschaffenburg, Germany

Schloss Johnnisburg(Castle) in Aschaffenburg, Germany along Main River

Burg Wertheim Castle in Wertheim, Germany as seen from Main River

Burg Wertheim Castle

Burg Wertheim Castle Door(Gate) across the moat

Camilla on the top of the castle

Wertheim Buildings along the river Tauber & Spitzer Turm as seen from Tauber Bridge

Wertheim-Spitzer Turm

Beautiful colorful buildings along the river Tauber

Old Main Street-Wertheim

Wertheim Market Square-Bakers Sing Up-Pretzel

The house dining room for the tourists(Cake & Coffee)
served by a German couple

Bill with the German couple and his tourists for
Cake & Coffee

The German couple named Folker & Evere at their nice
house. Both have good jobs.

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