Friday, December 31, 2010

9th Day of Castles along the Danube & Rhine

Schloss Johannisburg(Castle) in Aschaffenburg, Germany along Main River

Country between Aschaffenburg & Heidelberg, Germany

Bicycles parking at the station

S-Printing Horse made of stainless steel & aluminum &
the largest horse sculpture in the world

View Heidelberg Castle from Korn Markt(Market)

Heidelberg Castle
(the earliest castle structure was built before AD 1214)

Left exterior view of Heidelberg Castle

Main Entrance

Friedichsabau on the left, the Bell Tower in the center
background, Otteinrichsbau on the right

The Great Val that can be filled with 200,000 liters of wine

Beautiful Stairway

Distintive Twin Towers from Steingasse(Street
& walked toward Karl-Theodor Bridge(Old Bridge)

Famous Karl-Theodor Bridge(Old Bridge built in 1786-88) &
Neckar River. Heidelberg Castle in the background

The sculpture of the brass monkey at Karl-Theodor Bridge

Heidelberger StudentenkuB, a traditional speciality

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